The Work of the Flood

Rabbi Tarfon said: It is not up to you to finish the work nor are you permitted to cease doing it.

It is up to my ears at times,
not up to my ankles, at times.

to you, it might be different. To me, it tempts me
to finish with my hands up, on my knees. I want to know

the work isn’t this flood of hatred,
nor are the broken bits, left behind, the aim of the flood’s work. I remember

you permitted swimming for a tree, heavily laden with fruit, and I would hate
to cease

doing it.

One thought on “The Work of the Flood

  1. It seems we all spend a lot of time treading the flood waters, occasionally clinging to a piece of floatsam for a moment to catch our breath, but eventually moving on searching for the far shore. You’re welcome to share my piece of floatsam when you find the need is upon you.

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